Lonely hearts

By Lena - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Germany

Today, my life became a lot more depressing. A while ago, some friends and I founded a "Forever Alone" club, because all of us were single at that time. I'm now the only member left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 723
You deserved it 3 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yenze 18

That club could be a great way to meet people. Invite singles over and turn it into a party.

Wizardo 33

Sounds like you're the President of Isolation Island.


spacefish966 18

And now you're the President ! You know what Presidents get to do ? ....They get to change things like rules and other things. Make yourself some goals and continue to put one foot in front of the other and sooner or latter you will gain some new members or you will find yourself hanging onto some arm candy yourself. Hang in there. There's many of us "forever alone" type's out here and are wishing you the best of luck

MedChew 19

will you be forever alone in the forever alone club?

Don't get into a relationship out of the fear of being alone or start feeling sorry for yourself because you're comparing yourself to others. Be patient and focus on your own life and what makes YOU happy. You will find someone who will join you in helping grow your already cultivating happiness and not be the sole reason you become happy. Much healthier that way!

pacman490 21

Only the strongest (and most antisocial) will survive

Sorry OP. Really sucks to be the only single one day

Can the people in the FML community join?