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Make your mind up

By Mandy - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Tampa

Today, I got in trouble for going to work sick. Yesterday, I got in trouble for not going to work while sick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 911
You deserved it 2 513

Top comments

Re-read your contract. It says "Don't get sick. Ever."

Sounds like a catch 22 either way no matter what u do u are screwed... Best get a better job


Sounds like a catch 22 either way no matter what u do u are screwed... Best get a better job

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MzZombicidal 36

Not like this site is for venting or anything...

Yakostovian 18

It looks like there are plenty of tools around here. There is no need for name calling.

Really? Call someone hoe with that little info? Is that the pot calling the kettle a horse if a different color?

And here, we see the wild Attention ***** in it's natural habitat...

Re-read your contract. It says "Don't get sick. Ever."

You just can't win in life anymore haha

And I thought my bosses were harsh. Good luck, OP. You're working for a crazy.

What were you thinking? You know better than to stay home while you're sick OP. But seriously you can't just come to work either

Going to work while sick isn't a wise decision, because your coworkers could also get the same illness. Stay home for completely recovery. Get well soon!

Aren't most US states right to work? So no protection if they decide 2 days off is too much. That said, we have far more rules about it in the UK, but you can still end up screwed over for getting ill. Don't you know it's inconsiderate to get sick?

That's happened to me. I got written up both times

I love you for that comment. Ok and because you also are hot and like guns ?