Manly man

By takinabreak - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was taking a shower and I saw a new body wash that said "Radiance Ribbons." That sounded a little effeminate, but it smelled manly enough and the only alternative was normal soap, so I used it. Just now, I stepped out into the sun and found out what "Radiance Ribbons" means. I sparkle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 224
You deserved it 33 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

barroomhero 0

It's okay, every girl who sees you will jump you.


DUDE!! Now hella girls will think you're a vampire. Take advantage =] lol

watch out for those edward cullen&twilight loving faggots!

autumnftw 0

How perfect. You are now the envy of every girl that wants to date Edward Cullen. Enjoy.

Even though #1 got burried LOL it totally screams fantastically gay

adamdrinkslots 0

"steve, i just want to tell you, all the guys think it was 'supercute' how you sparkled throughout the night when we were at the bar. the only problem is, all the girls thought we were **** for you. gangbang ftw" (

katekappy 0

Omg that reminded me of Edward Cullen!!

Screw all the twilight crap. Why is op too good for regular soap? He took a chance with mystery, effeminate sounding body wash because he refused to use regular soap and now looks like an idiot.

Why they gotta be fat? Dude, you don't know fear until you've shouted "TWILIGHT SUCKS! I want a REAL man!" into a crowd of Twitlight fans and every damned one of 'em is skinny and a faster runner than you are.