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By Anonymous - 01/09/2009 15:18 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to my boyfriend's house to meet his parents. After hundreds of passive-aggressive comments, my boyfriend and I went into the kitchen. I started complaining to him about how his parents were horrible and mean. Little did I know, his parents had followed us in and were right behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 393
You deserved it 48 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Always wait until you leave to say things like that. And you probably should've said something more like "Wow, they're making me feel kinda bad in there. I don't think they like me, I feel as though they're trying to be mean."

...And then you all had an orgy. The end! You're dating him, not his parents. Ok, so they're assholes. They obviously don't like you either. Move on.


But they are, right? If they say bad things about you than you have a right to do so to them. They shouldn't be upset. Definitely not a YDI.

YDI... I don't immediately buy stories like this, because if a girl isn't classy/mannered enough to wait until she leaves her boyfriends house to rant about how horrible his family is, then there is a good chance she either is a big drama queen who misinterprets things to look like she is being victimized in her own mind, or she was behaving in a rude manner at the table to warrant some of those comments. There is a possibility the parents really were just jerks, but either way she was wrong to do that in their house, within earshot (especially when they just fed her)!

larlarlauren 0

And if the parents aren't classy or mannered enough to keep their nasty opinions to theirselves, then they also deserve whatever she said. They didn't feed her to be nice. They fed her as a formality.

I feel for you, my boyfriend has awful parents too.

i_love_fml does make a good point. I say 70-80% YDI and 20-30% FYL. I just wonder what kinds of "passive aggressive" questions they asked.

My parents were kind of awful to my ex, but mainly they didn't like his manners. Needless to say, they didn't get along but my ex wasn't very respectful to them at all so I can see why my parents didn't like him. Despite the fact that they weren't very nice to you, you don't walk into their kitchen and start bad mouthing them in front of your boyfriend. Wait until you're out of the house at least. It's just common sense.

damn, that sucks. but if they were being nasty to begin with, then that didnt change anything. who the **** cares what his parents think? youre dating him not them.

gqduck 0

They deserved it. they should have been nicer