Mfing kids

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Salem

Today, I asked my class of fifth graders to write down a list of all the compound words they knew. At least four of them put down 'motherfucker'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 923
You deserved it 5 470

Top comments

slutfactory 17

When I learned about compound words in third grade, I believe I wrote down "bitchass." When my parents were contacted my dad had to leave the classroom because he couldn't stop laughing.

Mah don't take it so hard, many siblings teach their younger siblings some swear words for unknown reasons. It's fairly normal unfortunately


It seems like they've got the lesson down?

In all fairness, it really is a compound word. Those young whippersnappers know an asston.

Wow, when i was in Fifth id be afraid af to say or even write something like that in class.. Lol man i use to be a Goodie Goodie

1dvs_bstd 41

Those kids are going places, not college but places.

How do you punish for that? Or do you? Kids watch damn near anything on tv and they will find words such as that. Sponge bob is getting close. Sure makes your job interesting sometimes. But still, it is sad their little minds had to hold such bad language.

how the *dolphin noise* are ya, Patrick?

Respect101 17

don't dis Spongebob, I grew up on that show. That and Rugrats.

QueenofWheels 13

I bet next year you will say write down all the clean compound words you know.

Goblin182 26

Do they know its not a nice word? The use of that kind of language today is so common place maybe they don't know the "F" word is supposed to be taboo.

Respect101 17

Technically it's not a word at all. Just slang. Only a few cuss words are real words. Like Bitch, ass, etc

I knew that one by the time I was in 3rd. Interesting i was never that much of a protected child but I knew right from wrong and still do better than half my friends.

It the moral of this story that you became average?

91hayek 31

Well they knew it so they wrote it. They followed the instructions you gave.

letting them watch Kick Ass 2 was a bad idea.

Well they technically did do the assignment right.