Mirror mirror

By Anonymous - 05/05/2013 15:53 - United States

Today, my dad called me a "deadbeat loser" after I came back from my first day of voluntary rehab for my meth problem. He's never had a job in his life and sits on the sofa all day, smoking weed and playing video games, all on my mom's salary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 895
You deserved it 8 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good for you for getting clean. Why care what he says if he's such a loser?

#1 did you miss the part where he just got out of voluntary rehab?


You should feel proud that you've made the choice to get help. The hardest part of an addiction is admitting you have a problem and getting help for it. In time you will be clean and independent, and he will still be a ******* deadbeat moocher.

sammyjanette 17

It kind of sounds like you're both losers. Congrats on trying to be more than that though.

menoseloso 13

Maybe he's jealous that you're getting your life together, instead of being a loser like him.

Encouragement would be nice, especially from those you love. Look at it from the "addiction" aspect of things and you'll realize you probably won't get positive reinforcement from your dad. You should be proud of yourself and the accomplishment you have made this far. Stay focused and remember, you can only control YOU, where you go and where you end up. Best of luck to you. It's only up from here.

Dont give up, you can really turn your life around. The only things you need is willpower, a job, and to get out of your father's place. Don't listen to him or you will end up like him. Good luck you can do it.

Yes you are right it's his mothers place. I actually meant: go as far as you can from your father. It's not good to be around this kind of people.

Congradulations on going to rehab by choice! And don't bother with him, it's not worth it.

WizardofWaxinAss 8

going to rehab and knowing you have the problem is the first step. keep in there man don't let these dicks get to you. they have no idea what it is to break an addiction.

Sounds like he's impersonating a cinema and projecting in 3D.

01Ben21 10

Tears you down to build himself up. Such a classic loser move.

Don't take it to heart. He was probably stoned and didn't know what he was saying. I'm sure he loves you very much. Good luck with rehab. :)

Because its fun to down vote without reading the post