Mirror mirror

By Anonymous - 05/05/2013 15:53 - United States

Today, my dad called me a "deadbeat loser" after I came back from my first day of voluntary rehab for my meth problem. He's never had a job in his life and sits on the sofa all day, smoking weed and playing video games, all on my mom's salary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 895
You deserved it 8 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good for you for getting clean. Why care what he says if he's such a loser?

#1 did you miss the part where he just got out of voluntary rehab?


It's great that you're getting yourself help! Just keep doing that, and I can tell your life will go a lot farther than his ever will

don't let him get to you at least you got help on your own no one made you do it sounds to Me like your dad is more of a deadbeat than you.

You're trying to improve your life, and that's what matters. Your dad sounds like the loser in this situation.

perdix 29

Why couldn't you stick with pot like your dad does? You think you're better than him?

Think that you're on the right track to not become like him.

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Just because a person's addiction has gotten so bad that they need rehab, does not mean that their life is ******, especially since OP is in VOLUNTARY rehab.

insanelyXnikki 18

Sometimes people make mistakes and end up getting hooked on stuff like that. Humans aren't perfect. More power to you for voluntarily committing yourself to getting rid of your addiction. Good luck!

At least he's quitting and seeking help for his addiction at his own free will, unlike his father.

ragdoll316 9

Good luck to you brother! You've already made it past the hardest part!

It shouldn't matter to you because you know you're doing better op