Mirror mirror
By Anonymous - 05/05/2013 15:53 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/05/2013 15:53 - United States
By hypercrite dad - 19/09/2014 18:34 - United Kingdom
By cazorp - 05/01/2012 11:43 - United States
By idontunderstand - 07/05/2018 19:00
By Anonymous - 22/02/2010 16:38 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/12/2014 21:14 - United States - Margate City
By Anonymous - 24/05/2022 12:00
By Anonymous - 09/09/2014 16:47 - United States - Miami
By Anonymous - 22/04/2015 13:39 - United States - Columbus
By Anonymous - 20/03/2022 16:00
By anon - 30/06/2016 17:33 - United Kingdom - Aberdeen
I wish you luck OP and I hope you have other people in your life who can support you. You should be proud of yourself for getting help.
Is your mother retarded?
Congrats on getting clean. I used to volunteer drive addicts to rehab, and seen how hard it is to quit. I have also seen the progress they have made, and the few who haves completely turned their while life around. Keep well and ignore your father's comment.
You're mom sounds like a very strong woman.
At least you're trying to do something with your life. Make it happen.
Tell him how good of a role model he is. That should really put things into perspective...
Look who's talking...at least your clean right?
Good for you for getting clean. Why care what he says if he's such a loser?
#1 did you miss the part where he just got out of voluntary rehab?