Mixed reviews
By nirvana_mama157 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
By nirvana_mama157 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
I seriously hope that this wasn't some kind of joke, because this isn't funny or cute. I rarely advocate divorce, but if this guy doesn't love you, it's time to get out and find someone who does.
To everyone that says 'dump him, you deserve better'...they are married. It's sadly a tad more complex than that.
I'm married and I said "divorce him". When one partner doesn't love the other, the answer is actually quite simple.
Sooo...are you suggesting that OP stays with her husband who may not love her because there is a lot of paperwork involved in a divorce? 'Cause apart from the emotional decision, divorce isn't that complicated UNLESS there are children involved. I get the feeling there aren't for some reason.
Even if there are children involved, it would be better for the two to divorce. My dad didn't love my mother and they tried to stay married just for my sisters and I. It was hell. My dad cheated cause he didn't love my mother. They always argued...There is no reason to put the children through that emotional trama.
My goodness. She's not going to demand a divorce because of one ignorant comment, people. Adults try to wait things out and fix things. They don't just "dump his ass."
68 - I just meant divorce is more complicated when there are children involved. Custody and support issues can get ugly. 70 - why stay when there's no love?
I think what 16 meant was that getting an divorce is a more complicated process than simply "dumping someone" which I assume is the "emotional decision" she was referring to in her other response. I don't think she was suggesting OP stay with the person, just that maybe they should talk about their problems before heading straight for a divorce.
I'd prefer going through the process of divorce rather than living with and being bound to someone who doesn't love you, but that's just me...
There isn't much to wait out or work out. If he's chosen this way to tell her he doesn't love her, I doubt it was a sudden revelation on his part. He clearly doesn't even respect her enough to discuss things. It doesn't sound like there's much to salvage. Divorce can be a nasty, complicated, heart-wrenching process but living in an unloving marriage is torture neither of them will benefit from.
Call me an optimist, but I've seen the most desolate relationships work out when they're handled by mature people. This couple shared love at one point or else they wouldn't have gotten married. Obviously not every marriage is meant to be, but part of the commitment you make when you take your vows implies that you will do anything to nurse a healthy relationship, for better or for worse. I've seen men leave their wives for months and return ready to fix things. Divorce is the last resort, not the first.
I don't know.. ask the millions of people who have gotten a divorce..
Unlimited sex?
Dude my husband and I do this all the time lol its perfectly ok unless he follows it with a "no really I don't"
A lot of guys also say stupid things, especially to women, without thinking first. In all case, it would not be nice to hear your husband/wife say "I don't love you", be it a joke or not. OP does not know if he was serious, but her mind would be full of doubt now. And that would not be good for any marriage.
bomb he's great.
I think he asked cause he had thought about it some time now and didn't found a reason.. FYL and also YDI, cause he needs something from you he doesn't get. Sometimes when things are wrong it needs to be fixed by yourself, it can be a small adjustment or a change in lifestyle.. But if you love him, then do whatever you can to win his hart again!
That is terrible advice, man. No one should have to compromise themselves to 'win someone's heart,' life isn't a fairytale. If they have a problem with who you are, and want you to change something to better suit their tastes, then what's the point of even being with this person? Not worth it at all, friend.
It doesn't make what he did acceptable. In my opinion, it was his responsibility to tell her if he was unhappy and to tell her what she could do to make it better.
33 - do you really expect that two people can live together for a lifetime entirely without compromise? I'm afraid to say that's the fairytale - the idea that two people are so perfect for each other that they will never disagree on a single issue for the whole of their lives. As for the OP - unless it was obviously a joke, that's a very cold and thoughtless thing for the husband to say. If it wasn't a joke then obviously the two of you need to work out what you want and perhaps find a way to recover what you once had - hopefully for you it's not too late for that. You may find that some shared time and activities will help you both to remember why you married in the first place. Good luck!
You are making it sound like its the OP fault!! Its not, she is so inloce with him!
What an ass!
Was he joking? If not then he's an ass and you should leave.