Moan moan moan

By AGluckily - 22/03/2009 01:16 - United States

Today, I was with a group of friends at a bar, and we were all talking about whether we were moaners, screamers, or quiet during sex. My boyfriend said that he was a moaner, which I contradicted. Completely straightfaced, he said, "Well, I am when it's good." FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 518
You deserved it 24 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My guess is he said that because you contradicted him. You deserve it. He probably didn't mean it though.

@ #8 and everyone else who makes comments like that; What the hell is up with everyone telling ppl to dump their bf/gf/husband/wife for the smallest things?? Did you know that it is possible to communicate with one another and discuss problems within a relation, maybe have alittle fight, make up again.. Bet you're all single 99% of the time!


i agree with #10 just because he may have meant what is said is NO reason to end a relationship unless you are very immature and/or seven years old. And obviously they aren't children since they are having sex. i'm sure he was joking, he most likely just wanted to get you going. next time you two are together, just show him that he's wrong ;)

caty14 1

Guy's tend to joke like that. He most likely just wanted to say that because he was contradicted. Probably didn't really mean it. But find out just to make sure.

AntiChrist7 0

never contradict your boyfriend. or he is a dick. Either way, you deserved it

im_prison_mike 0

I'm a girl, but it's obvious to me that he was joking. And even if it hits a bit too close to the truth, maybe he wanted to present an issue in front of his friends so you wouldn't bite his head off. You seem like a touchy person. Laugh it off in public, just as you would if someone ELSE's boyfriend made that joke. Then ask him about it later.

He was joking. laugh it off, and if it bothers you say something to him later in private. Also, anytime a girl posts anything about sex she gets a string of comments telling her not to just lie there. I wasn't aware this was this common an issue. Even if I'm bored I'll make sure the other person's having fun, it's just good form. So maybe all the guys who complain about women being lazy come across as so self-involved that women don't think they'll notice whether they pretend to enjoy it or not.

I also agree with #10. If you can't learn to communicate and talk things out, what can you really expect?

peaceloveamala 0

that was freaken hilarious. however i have a boyfriend who jokes about our sex life all the time. and i think he's hilarious.

SensFan22 0

YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? You have a loose ******, and you're a flop! Half the time,

xkimberlyrenee 6

OP is a guy.. he doesnt have a ******.

some way some how i need to give ur bf a high five

Meow34 0

YDI, TBH. I mean, you said something rude to him, you know he would give you a rude comeback as well. Think before you say, but I'm just sayin' ;)