Mobbed up

By some people's parents - 18/04/2013 04:01 - United States - Aurora

Today, after years of loaning my mother countless amounts of cash that never get paid back, borrowing $60 from her, and being just one day late paying it off due to food poisoning, she sends a very large man to my door to collect, like she's Tony Soprano. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 491
You deserved it 4 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kallian_fml 21

People need to stop loaning money to people they know won't pay them back. She should have just let OP keep the $60.

ctlnaaia71 8

So why don't you do the same to her?


TheCutestLizard 28

I wouldn't loan her any more money, especially since its causing so much friction in your relationship.

Somebody's about to start kicking some ass.

WeWereWealth7 7

"Where's my money?! Where's my money??!! You gonna give me my money??!!!"

WeWereWealth7 7

Did he make you an offer you can't refuse?

DorkAlert 10

I think you need to start counting how much cash you have given her. Then get it back.

I know how that is. I loaned money out and didn't harass to get the money back. Just waited til they were able to keep things nice and easy. I asked for a loan and I get hassled and texted and all that stuff asking when am I gonna pay them back. Its like really?

Some people can afford to let it slide. Others can't.

This is a horrible situation. People will just comment things like "Stop lending her money" but I know it's hard to say no when you mom needs help. Maybe try to sit down and talk to her without a huge man in front of you.

It depends on what you're loaning money to her for.

If she has the resources to send over a man whom OP has never seen before in his life, then it's more than likely that Mommie Dearest doesn't need "help" after all.

Just a random thought, but maybe she doesn't feel obligated to pay you back? She did raise for for years, which can be expensive. Either way you should talk to her.

While I don't my mom do this if I was late I have gotten to where I don't lend her money unless its helping both of us as she never pays it back and she yells that I'm tight fisted no I just want to eventually move out her house

Hope you gave him the $60 and said "When you deliver these, ask her for my $1000 at the same time"...

When your mum needs help, it's very hard to say no. Even if it's at detriment to yourself. I'm out £3000 to mine, haven't been on holiday for two years because of it. It burns a little but I know she needs the help more than we need the disposable income, and I know 100 percent I'd never have the shit pulled on me that your mum did. She'd be on a fast track to paying me back if she did! I think she needs a word in her ear about just how much you help here and that you won't be taken for a ride.