Mommy milkers

By Anonymous - 30/09/2009 05:17 - Malaysia

Today, we ran out of milk and my 4 year-old son came up to me and asked if he could "milk" my wife's breasts for his cereal. Apparently, he thinks my wife doesn't love him and his sister is selfish for not sharing her milk. His sister is only one month old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 149
You deserved it 4 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

birds_fml 7

There really needs to be a "so what" button. How is this FML? Your 4 year old is cute and innocent? Seriously, what the hell.

"Son, you're too old! You don't see Daddy sucking on Mommy's breasts, do you?" "I'm sorry, Daddy; I was afraid of the dark the other night and—I thought...." "Oh...."


MacintoshDima 0

Wow, nice son you've got there...

Thunderbender 2

Hey can I milk your wife's breasts?

qwertyone 0

That's just cute, nothing wrong here.

I don't know why people call this cute. Kids are annoying with this kind of crap.

That's actually hilarious. It's kid's logic. If someone is producing milk, why can't he have some? It's actually a clever level of reasoning.

How is this an FML? He's a 4 year old kid, of course he doesn't understand. It's funny and cute. This belongs on MLIA, not FML. Your life is not F'ed just coz your kid doesn't understand why his baby sister gets all mum's milk.

huevo92 0

dude is just a 4 year kid, whats the problem

how is this an FML? like really .. the kid is 4. have a laugh at it and explain to him he wouldn't like her milk :p jeeze, i don't even know how this got approved as an FML

Everynight when I was little my mom and dad used to have a midnight snack. What did they have?Well my dad had a nice serveing of milk, and my mom had a nice big nut to munch on.