Money ain't a problem when you've got it

By Anonymous - 07/10/2011 19:02 - United Kingdom

Today, I listened as my ridiculously wealthy friend excitedly rambled on and on about her latest shopping trip. This is the same friend who owes me £150, and accused me of being insensitive for asking her to repay it at some point. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 649
You deserved it 4 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coper169 0

I HATE when rich people act like assholes -_-


Grow a set you spineless twerp and demand the money back.

And why did you lend money to a filthy rich person??? That was your first mistake!!! Sorry but that makes thus your fault!! #fail!!!

kp4294 2

Sounds like she isn't rich...if you have money you pay of your debts. If you try to appear rich...hehe...then, well, you see your friend ;)

Well dump her then she doesn't deserve you.

varkey 7

You should have brought up the £150 during that conversation. FYL

Rob them of it? Next time don't lend it out if you want to stay friends lol

If he was so rich why did he need to borrow your money?

dancingdoggy 4

I have a friend like this! She boasted about spending $200 in a day, and then got pissy about going to a restaurant with $10 meals because she was "broke". Really? Same friend, when I asked if she could get me alcohol, (she's 21, I'm 20) said that I would have to pay her to do so. I dropped the subject, but thinking back, I should totally have pointed out how I always drive her places and how I have never ONCE asked her for gas money. In hindsight, right?