Motherly love

By Anonymous - 18/01/2011 21:23 - United States

Today, I rode home alone on a train. I accidentally missed my stop, but wasn't worried about it. My mom did not share my optimism and actually called the train company, saying that I was "lost" and "special". They thought she meant I was retarded. They wouldn't believe me when I said I wasn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 706
You deserved it 3 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"No really, I'm normal!" "Of course you are buddy, now hold my hand as we get off the train and we bring you home to your mommy"


surely they would have realised that you weren't retarded

TheDrifter 23

Maybe not, people can look pretty stupid while trying to prove they are smart.

#12 I find your over political correctness retarded

you wouldn't be saying that if you knew someone that is handicapped

I do and they have no problem with the word, it's only oversensitive people with nothing better to do so they tell me how to talk. well I have rights so up yours pal.

The worst thing is that you obviously look retarded.

p.s. and you called your mom saying you missed your stop

ballerfun911 0

The person's mom probably called them.

Suavis 4

or they were waiting at the stop?

perdix 29

It's nice to be treated like a retard. People do things for you that wouldn't do if they think you're "normal." I haven't tied my own shoes for years -- I can put on a great vacant stare with my mouth gaping open and drooling.

idk i dont mind the word it just bothers me because i have a brother with down syndrome. sorry guys

I've met downs syndrome ppl that outclass 'normals'... It is possible for downs syndrome to mean very little... Astrophysics accomplishments aside, they're great people. :-)

#27 - I'm sorry to hear that, But he isn't retarded, just mentally challenged.