By AHole - 21/11/2012 14:03 - United States - Grand Forks

Today, the car in front of me in the drop-off area at my son's school parked, and the driver got out. I basically leaned on my horn and gave her every dirty look in the book. She said nothing but stared at me as she opened the back of her van to unload her child's wheelchair. I'm an asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 847
You deserved it 75 998

Same thing different taste


I heard the first four people before you say the same exact thing, maybe if you read the comments before posting you could come up with something more original? :)

How dare that little bastard need a wheelchair!

raycj 1

Have a cup of coffee and calm down its too early in the morning for you to create stress, life could be a whole lot worse buddy!

How many dirty looks can you give someone in the time it takes to get to their trunk? Was she driving a limo? And you really shouldn't give someone multiple dirty looks regardless, you'll just look like you have Tourette's. >:/ :| :z >:o Gotta pick one and stick with it, my friend.

56- Why? Neither the mother nor the child did anything wrong as far as I can tell. And needing a wheelchair is nothing to be embarrassed about either. Perhaps I missed something....?

i put myself in your shoes, too. those vibes were terrible, dude.

hpbrocster7 3

You commenters are hypocritical bastards. She did the same thing many of you would've done. She could've been a little more patient, but the other mom could've found a parking spot, too.

I would not have done that, but I'm not a jerk

CharresBarkrey 15

62 - I don't even honk or get mad when someone stays at a light when it turns green longer than they should. Not everyone has their head up their ass like you and OP.

I don't think many people would have felt the need to honk as soon as the mother got out of the car. How long did it take her to walk around to the back--a few seconds? The OP should have waited at least that long to see what the mom was doing before she started honking.

DasHaas 9

You got the first part down. Now learn from it, and you'll turn into a better person. Takes courage to admit you did something wrong.