
By Anonymous - 07/05/2009 19:11 - Italy

Today, I was walking to class with my roommate. She didn't notice the car coming up behind her because her headphones were in. As I pulled her out of the way, she thought I was goofing around and shoved me back... in front of the car. I got hit and rolled off the hood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 129 354
You deserved it 6 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kalofinator 0

Oh no! At least you're not hurt too badly - unless you're typing this with your cast in a hospital bed. She's got to feel awful!!

Hi_Itz_Me 0


Rawrrr14 0

hahaha Guess your friend owes you now. Hope your okay!

@#8: the OP probably pulled their friend to the opposite side of the car from them to be sure the friend wouldn't be hit, and that is why the friend was able to push them in front of the car. Ok? And @ the OP: that sucks so bad! I feel really sorry for you! But on the bright side, you can use this to get your friend to do whatever you want them to do for you :D

average_girl 0

HOLY SHIZZ!! whatta bitch! u just saved her life and she just screwed urs!

sucks because next time that happens you are going to think twice about saving the person...

...Who walks on the road? Lol 21 made my day

People who are walking along a road without sidewalks? I've done that before... My friend makes sure he's between the cars and me though. Even with sidewalks he does that...

Im_Insane 0

#12 FTW!!!!!! that really sucks *hugs*

youlose_ 0

Today, my roommate and I were walking to our next class when she suddenly shoved me. Thinking she was joking, I shoved her back...and she got hit by the car that I was pushed out of the way from. FML.