Musical interlude

By Charlie529 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - South Africa - New Germany

Today, I had satanic gastric distress. Attempting to make light of this fact, and, being incredibly bored and seemingly alone at work, I managed to fart the intro to "Smoke on the Water" perfectly. Somebody clapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 934
You deserved it 14 200

Charlie529 tells us more.

My nick's misleading, but that is my name and I am a girl! Anyways. Thought I'd tell you all that I didn't get fired (O.o)/ However, I did have to give him (boss) an (exceptionally awkward) explanation because he thought I was watching funny youtube videos. He just keeps giving me the weirdest/funniest friggin' looks, and now uses the the keyword "Deep Purple" to get me to make him coffee. This acrid event seems to have made us friends. Thankfully my bowels have re-aligned to perfectly silent working condition. God, I hope he doesn't bring this up at the next work party. /dies

Top comments

shivamtrivedi 24

Wow. That must have been a hell of a performance.

olpally 32

That's freaking hilarious and awesome! Lol. Hope you get promoted!


The new what the does the fox say or gangnam or whatever shit people watches

edvin_fml 10

more importantly, you just witnessed the mythical ONE HAND CLAP. one hand must have been holding the nose, while the other one clapped

Indianboy9321 25

You seem like an awesome person!

Tucking_Fypo 9

Lmfao. You have invented an entire new genre of music :p

#20. nah someone already invented dubstep

Wizardo 33

No claps, just ass ripples as someone else let loose in the office, rock on OP.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I don't think you've read many, lol. (No offense, OP!)