My best friend

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss came back from a two week vacation. I was the only one covering for him, and I did an excellent job. It was my chance to get a promotion. I actually improved his sales while he was gone, but the only thing he noticed was that I killed his plant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 564
You deserved it 5 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. What a douche. I would've thrown the damn thing at him.

Sakeyaki 0

You should just put a sign on the plant that says "I deserve a raise" and throw it into his house or something.


Sakeyaki 0

You should just put a sign on the plant that says "I deserve a raise" and throw it into his house or something.

HiMyNameIsTyson 0

He's not very intelligent, is he?

improving sales is never the boss' job... it is the employees' job... now u will cont. to stay down until u learn how to take care of a plant

Oh well now you know, successful business' aren't based on sales; profits and whatnot. They're based on how well you maintain plant life.

DigitalFusion 4

For florists, that is partially true. But one comes with the other I suppose.

theoldGP 0

hahaha i've totally heard stories like this before.

Here's a thing dude, don't ever, ever, ever try to 1 up your boss. It's never going to happen. The most he's going to promote you is next to nothing. If you threaten his job or position, he's going to fight back. I have never heard of some boss finding out that one of his workers is better than him/her then suddenly giving up his/her position to that person. At most, you'd want to 1 up him by going one step above him. Didn't you learn anything from the 1980s?