My best friend

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss came back from a two week vacation. I was the only one covering for him, and I did an excellent job. It was my chance to get a promotion. I actually improved his sales while he was gone, but the only thing he noticed was that I killed his plant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 596
You deserved it 5 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. What a douche. I would've thrown the damn thing at him.

Sakeyaki 0

You should just put a sign on the plant that says "I deserve a raise" and throw it into his house or something.


Oh, I feel your pain. MY boss just came back from a 2 week vacation, and he didn't even bother to come upstairs (his office is down) to say hi. I "accidentally" bumped into him when he wasn't expecting to see me.

sirfuzzitoes 0

You should probably try your best to find a forward-thinking company that is more focused on truly achieving success than whether or a supervisor/boss's plant died while they were busy letting you take the reigns. It comes down to the fact that you were able to perform at or above the level of that person, and I'm guessing they weren't the least bit worried about it while they were gone. To me, that's a sign of a good work place IF there's some sort of recognition (which you didn't mention, but based on your post, you deserve)

Us guys all have ego problems. My advice is to find a new boss if you possibly can (#22 has it down).

Buy him a new plant if he doesn't have pointy hair. He'll reconize that you are only human and can make mistakes. If he has pointy hair, I would suggest this course of action: MAN THE HARPOONS!

augustsky 0

It amazes me how many idiot bosses there are out there.

im guessing he would never trust u for a babysitting job if you can't manage to take care of a plant lol

Hope you get that promotion sometime in the future!

I would have told the bigger boss bout his freaking vacation~

thetr00per 0

you so deserve to go to hell for killing his plant!