My new house

By Anonymous - 22/01/2013 08:27 - New Zealand - Wainuiomata

Today, I bought my first house, blowing nearly all my savings on the deposit. I had left myself enough for just a couple of necessary bits of furniture. It turns out the previous owner completely stripped the house when he left, taking the oven and even the toilet with him, amongst other things. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 467
You deserved it 13 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you have enough money to buy a shovel, because you might have to shit in a hole for a while


In Britain, where NZ law originated, all fixtures must be left in place but chattels can be removed. Fixtures are items fixed in place so permanently that they could not be removed without it being noticeable, thus even including pictures screwed to the wall.

You didn't bother looking inside before buying it? YDI

Aren't you suppose to check the house out BEFORE you buy it? I mean, come on!

Always read the contract! Douchebag move on the sellers part though, buying your first house should be an exciting time.

Chris20003 17

Shit happens sometimes, just grab the shovel of life and dig a hole of freedom, and bring lots of toilet paper.

juicydeerclit 0

This is why you need to personally see a house before you buy it

Walkthrough? You can always go to court if he didn't mention he was taking those things...but only if they were there on the final walkthrough

You should never buy something sight unseen, nor sign a contract without reading it!

Aligator67 12

why didn't you look at the house first?