
By Waheyyy - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I was arguing with my dad. I called him a geriatric fool. He replied with, "Well at least I know who my biological father is." I have no idea if he's joking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 611
You deserved it 8 248

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he's just trying to bug you. you wouldn't believe the things my parents have said to me in arguements xD

Suckylicious 0

my dad says im adopted all the time. i think im his kid. i just dont care that much!


Option 1: You were wrong and got pwned. Option 2: You were right and got pwned by a geriatric. Either way your life sucks.

that was so mean of him to say. i'm sorry :(

Hey, look at it this way. He was probably only trying to make a witty comeback. If it is the truth, then it shouldn't matter anymore. You've come this far in life knowing him as your father, biological or not, it shouldn't change anything. I am pretty sure that if it were the truth, he wouldn't spill it like that. Then again...I don't know him.

I went fourteen years thinking someone else was my biological father. I dont care, I still see him as my dad. I totally agree with your comment.

VampiressMiharu 0

What the hell happened to FML while I was gone?! Trolls and idiots everywhere

waterynuggets 0

Hey look at my fingers. See this. It's the world's smallest ******* violin playing the saddest ******* tune. Losers, stay off the site if you don't like it.

waterynuggets 0

Hey tuff guy cum say eet 2 mai face!!!1 ill troll roll all over uuuuu

v1kt4r 13

whether he was joking or not is a story for another day, what we do know is u wont be calling him or "your mom" names anytime soon

How DON'T you understand the point of this? He isn't sure whether or not his father is serious about his comeback, so he isn't sure if that's his real father. Get it now?

geriatric? what the hell does that mean.