
By Celeste - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Singapore

Today, I fell asleep in a taxi. So did the taxi driver. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 985
You deserved it 3 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hear pudding in the hospital is real good.

hope the meter wasn't running lol that's an expensive ride!


#4 already explained wat happend lol

hope the meter wasn't running lol that's an expensive ride!

mylifeisover1305 0

FAKE ... u would be like dead or in the hOspital with something broken

maybe the taxi driver stopped before sleeping?

spartan_girl 0

maybe not. a few years back I was sleeping in the passenger seat of a car driven by someone who fell asleep at the wheel- the rumble strips woke him up as we went off the highway, and he just side swiped a sign. Neither of us had an injury worse than get scraped cleaning up the broken window before we drove to a shop to get the window and dented door replaced. Especially if the OP was in a city area (or even on the highway, like in my case), maybe the driver just hit a parked car or sign, or rear-ended someone, etc. Cars are actually designed to protect you in a crash, though I have no idea what kind of cars are used as Taxis in Singapore- older cars aren't as good at protecting you in a major crash, but if it was a minor crash, it's definitely possible to walk away essentially unharmed. OP- I know it is super scary to be woken up by a crash (I'm assuming you crashed, or you wouldn't know the driver fell asleep) while riding in the car, and I hope that you escaped any major injuries! FYL, because someone put you in serious danger by being irresponsible on the job.

saywaturcoco 0

ohh OP's fairygodmother please appear! lol

Pball11 0

It's understandable if you do but that guy/girl should be fired.

perdix 29

YDI for being so boring at sex! I hope when he slept, you were able to turn the Peter Meter off.

who said they were sexin' it up in the backseat? just sounds like the passanger is a master at boring people to death

Dman, unless otherwise stated always assume that someone is having sex, in a state of undress or involved in sticky incest. Come on grow up.

have you been charged for using a taxi?

LOL! Hilarious. FYL, F the taxi driver's and anyone else who might've been a casuality because of that snooze fest =b