
By Celeste - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Singapore

Today, I fell asleep in a taxi. So did the taxi driver. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 985
You deserved it 3 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hear pudding in the hospital is real good.

hope the meter wasn't running lol that's an expensive ride!


No offense, but this sounds like a 'choose your ending' FML - did they have sex? did the taxi driver run into a pole? did people along the way know what it's like to stare death right in the eyes? Who knows? YOU DECIDE!

w00kye 0

and now u`re posting from the other side ? how`s hell ?

So your super power is that you can bore taxi drivers to sleep? Saves on tips, I get it.

well it probablu dodnt happen cause ur alive

scream OH MY GOD WATCH OUT!!!!!!! scare the crap out of him :D

lovin_darkness 0

man, that guy must be smart, he saw you sleeping, and he knew he take a nap to, knowing the timer would stay running! one expensive ride to dreamland!

^ lol :) I wouldn't pay for that ride.

Probably because she hasn't replied yet D : xD