
By Celeste - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Singapore

Today, I fell asleep in a taxi. So did the taxi driver. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 985
You deserved it 3 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hear pudding in the hospital is real good.

hope the meter wasn't running lol that's an expensive ride!


thedivinecomeD 0

bet he wasn't middle eastern. those people are so hopped up on hatred and the thought of 72 virgins that they don't need sleep. :) lol jk... at least you got a free ride.

lovindepp 0
rawr_trick119 0

ahh, that really effing sucks. i agree FYL. i hope your okay (:

You know that show "1000 Ways to Die"? Way to Die #1 was an Asian couple that had heart attacks during sex. So yeah, you can die when you sleep with someone.

PentiumBawls8 0

sleeping eh? if i was that taxi driver and knew where you lived. Which would be 20 minutes, Id easily make you pay triple the amount by taking long alternate routes lol

All4UandOnlyU 4

your number 89 your about oh idk 88 numbers off from being