Nature is harsh

By fallsdownplenty45 - 02/06/2009 11:08 - Taiwan

Today, I went biking. I attempted a large hill and lost control, slipped, and fell ten feet into a sewage pit. Riding home covered in crap, my sock caught my chain and I flipped over my bike. My dad had to spray me with the garden hose, bloody and shitty, in the front yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 931
You deserved it 6 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments

poolshark 0

You might want to look into a tetanus shot and some antibiotics... feces and open wounds do not mix.


Wow. You've taken the cake for one of the best FMLs I've ever read. Congratulations. :D

Ariel09 0

#18 swearing fail. P.S. Why couldn't you get sprayed in the backyard where nobody could see you? Most people have a gate/fence to their backyard... And yeah that sucks.

its probably best that you stay away from the bike for a while. surprised you didn't get hit by a bus covered in rubbing alcohol.

holy crap that sucks. You should visit a doctor asap to make sure you don't have any infections. I think it is safe t say that this is one of the top fml's i have read.

be sure to put up another FML is it gets any worse than this lol cuz this was the #1 of today

I seriously just pissed my pants reading this!