Never attempt this

By rock'n roller - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, my bandmate and I decided to propose to our girlfriends, who are also in the band, at the same time in the middle of a concert. His girlfriend said yes. Mine ran off the stage crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 261
You deserved it 6 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could have been worse. She could have tried crowd surfing her way out of there..

With her running and crying it sounds like Nickelback came on stage right when you proposed. Sorry buddy.


It could be because you shared the moment. Something like that should focus just on her, not the crowd and not your bandmates girlfriend. A proposal should be personal, not shared with another couple and a room of strangers.

They could have had the marriage conversation before in private and he may have been 100% sure she was going to say yes. Who knows, people and their wishes change and the guy may not have known or she may have decided she wasn't ready after having the serious conversation. FYL, OP, I hope you work things out if you both love each other.

Unless you know for sure that your girlfriend would like a big public proposal, don't do it. And I really mean unless you're 100% sure that's what she wants, because a lot of people do not like that. And it's pretty unfair on the other person too, being put under that amount of pressure. #31, yeah, they might have discussed marriage and she might have wanted to get married. But asking her in front of a massive crowd might have totally freaked her out. It doesn't necessarily mean she wasn't ready, just that she really didn't want to do this in front of a crowd.

I've said this many times before, but here is it again: before you propose, talk about marriage with your girlfriend and make sure she is positive towards it. Also, try to find out how she would like to be proposed to: privately or in public. Sounds like you did both wrong.

Croquis_fml 14

Well How'd the concert end up going?

notsofriendly 17

Personally I would not prefer a public proposal, especially a double proposal, but I think the band setup is cute. Don't give up, OP. Talk to her and maybe a while in the future dedicate a song to her alone and try again, whether it's in front of a crowd or just you two and a bottle of wine.

Well that went flat...maybe it will tie next with her afterword and hope she was just too nervous...

U shoulda turned and walked * playing **** dat bitch

Epikouros 31

At least you can **** groupies now, like a proper rock 'n roller.

perdix 29

Sounds suspiciously like an ABBA tribute band. Mamma Mia, you got dumped!

I'm gonna guess that your girlfriend wanted to be with your friend, and was crying because she didn't get him... Why else? Lol