New kink unlocked

By sausages - 17/01/2014 20:56 - Macedonia - Skopje

Today, I went to get my first tattoo. Before we started, the tattooist told me to just relax and embrace the pain. I guess I did that too well; I kept getting an erection throughout. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 172
You deserved it 8 441

Same thing different taste


lopesindustries 5

I'm wondering what kind of tattoo it was

that is not an FML thats awesome what are you talking about FML I'd say its better than crying

Hey, it happens. Don't let it bother you, tattooist see a lot of things, and at least you were relaxed that's all they need. Should post a picture of what you got, unless it's somewhere inappropriate.

Dohnut94 7

My fiancé hates tattoos, he tolerates mine. I'm pretty sure most people will take a hard on, than a hell no!

martin8337 35

What would be weird, if O P got the tat on his penis.

I bet you thought long and hard about what tattoo you wanted.

Llama_Face89 33

I'm not sure what I expected going into this FML.. I am fairly sure this was not it..