New sensation

By birchbeer - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, I learned I'm claustrophobic by having a raging oh-god-I'm-gonna-fucking-die panic attack while I was stuck inside an MRI scanner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 923
You deserved it 2 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no. I'm glad you're okay, OP. Coming from a person with severe claustrophobia, i know how much that sucks. I really hope they pulled you out and made sure we're okay. As a side note, you were being scanned for a reason so I hope everything is all right. Please do a follow up and let us know how everything is. (:

lexiieeex3 32

Hopefully they pulled you out and you're safe now! I can't imagine how terrifying that must be. Good luck OP!


I'm glad you're alright though OP, I've had way too many MRIs to count for chronic illnesses and they seriously suck. If you ever need another, ask for some kind of sedation. They usually do that for anxiety and kids who can't sit still. Sometimes they also have movie goggles that gives you something to focus on rather than just staring at the walls.

lauralabia3 13

I'm not claustrophobic usually, but when I had one, I totally freaked out and ended up having to be sedated so they could finish the Damn thing....definitely a cringe worthy moment.

I'm a pretty big man, and I hardly fit in the MRI tube. I nearly had a panic attack at my last one. Hope whatever you were getting scanned for is okay! Good luck OP!

You know what? I heard that it happen to a lot of people. When I was getting one, that's what the lady told me so she warn me that I should keep my eyes closed. I know it's long but it works.

mahaliah17 9

shit been there done that lol

I am so sorry about the bad MRI experiance. They can be really stressful with the size and loud noise. Its the noise that gets me. I have had so many of the damn things im used to them. Even in a open mri my dad had problems. At all the MRIs i and my family members have had they always ask if your claustrophobic or really nervous when you your doc tells you to get one. If you are they perscribe you xanax or something similar. Did they not do something like that for you?

hberri331 18

Next time I would see if you could go to an open MRI.

Man, those things are scary. I broke my leg when I was six and the doctor had to hold me down because I was crying so hard because I was scared of the MRI scanner. Hey still freak me out

If you need an MRI in the future find a place that has an Open MRI. I am very claustrophobic but can handle an open one. I was able to see out both sides.