New sensation

By birchbeer - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, I learned I'm claustrophobic by having a raging oh-god-I'm-gonna-fucking-die panic attack while I was stuck inside an MRI scanner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 923
You deserved it 2 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no. I'm glad you're okay, OP. Coming from a person with severe claustrophobia, i know how much that sucks. I really hope they pulled you out and made sure we're okay. As a side note, you were being scanned for a reason so I hope everything is all right. Please do a follow up and let us know how everything is. (:

lexiieeex3 32

Hopefully they pulled you out and you're safe now! I can't imagine how terrifying that must be. Good luck OP!


Man I hate MRI scanners too. Not because I'm Claustrophobic but the noise they make is not nice.

I can understand that happening, it can be a horrible experience. Hopefully the people around you were understanding and niece to you

sohigh10 34

My grandma had that issue too, so they brought her to a new type of open MRI scanner where it moves around you and you're not stuck in a small tube with your head enclosed. Maybe you could inform about those possibilities?

That's awful, OP. I had an MRI a few years ago and it was a very uncomfortable experience. I was so nervous - I've never sweated so much while lying still.

sailorarctic 22

closing your eyes may help and they can play music most times through the ear phones. as soon as the ear phones are on close your eyes tight and concentrate hard on the music. and taking slow deep breaths. it'll still be really loud but hopefully you'll be in control of your fear. good luck next time op.

Attacksloth 33

I have a chiari malformation so I've had to have MRIs yearly since age 2 So I totally understand how someone could be claustrophobic in there. The loud ass noises dont help either eh?

I know it sucked but your not the first and you will not be the last.

don't feel bad op. I'm not claustrophobic, but I hate going in those things too!

I feel your pain op I had an MRI today and kept getting terrible spinning sensation. Was horrible.