New sensation

By birchbeer - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, I learned I'm claustrophobic by having a raging oh-god-I'm-gonna-fucking-die panic attack while I was stuck inside an MRI scanner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 923
You deserved it 2 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no. I'm glad you're okay, OP. Coming from a person with severe claustrophobia, i know how much that sucks. I really hope they pulled you out and made sure we're okay. As a side note, you were being scanned for a reason so I hope everything is all right. Please do a follow up and let us know how everything is. (:

lexiieeex3 32

Hopefully they pulled you out and you're safe now! I can't imagine how terrifying that must be. Good luck OP!


They will give you a sedative if you tell them before hand.

Badkarma4u 17

I'm not claustrophobic and MRI machines are wierd. Like being shoved into a giant doughnut hole, covered in germs.

It's common OP I'm the same way, they let me have Ativan and my husband stroke my head while I was in there. It's okay.

birchbeer 5

Hi...OP here, alive and kicking. Thanks for the kind words in the comments! The big problem was that the scan was of my lower back, so I was basically squashed entirely inside and couldn't fully inhale...And freaking ensued :( The tech was really great and worked out a way to get me in with my arms over my head, which gave just enough wiggle room to make it bearable, tho it was a very long 35 minutes of my life. Managed to get it done, tho, which is the best part. Crazy part is, I knew it was all in my head, but oh well. At least I know to beg for drugs next time :)

I have 3 herniated discs in my lumbar vertebrae. I never knew I was claustrophobic until my first MRI. If I may suggest, I took 50 mg of Xanax (make sure the techs know you're doing this, they'll advise when to take them). I vaguely remember even being in the machine on my second MRI.

Huh, when I had my knee done they had me in with my upper body sticking out, if it was lower back I wonder why they didn't do it that way for you...

Been there...done that. Glad you're ok.

That's how I learned that I'm claustrophobic as well. I've had two MRI's done in the past year and it seriously took all the self control I had to not have a complete anxiety attack. I hope they pulled you out of the scanner and you were able to calm down!

Good News, they have open mri's that my mom, who has SEVERE claustrophobia, can actually use :).

Try doing an upright MRI, those things are even worse. You're not cramped from the top but you're sitting up and the machine is instead on both sides. Also tighter than a regular one and you have to be strapped in and sit even more still.