Nice friends you've got there

By Anonymous - 07/07/2015 19:13 - United States - Summerfield

Today, my friend got pulled over. The cops searched the car and found a bong among the stuff we were moving to her new house. When they confronted her with it, she told them it must be mine and that she'd never seen it before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 602
You deserved it 2 797

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, such a great friend throwing you under the bus instead of taking responsibility!


That snaky mother ******! Definitely ditch that so-called friend, OP.

so I am assuming all her stuff is on the side of the road some were right?

if the car is in her name then she is responsible even if it was yours. been there done that. you should be fine.

And that is why you never consent to searches.

noonenoeone 22

Wow you kids are ignorant, resin is what makes it illegal. If anything has been used to consume an illegal substance and there is residue it is drug paraphernalia. If you have a coke can, an apple, aluminum foil, or any other thing a stoner/junky would use to ingest their drug of choice it is classified as drug paraphernalia and possessing it is a crime. You're more than welcome to walk down the street with your bong and smoke tobacco out of it all day long in public legally. You'll get questioned and likely detained, but it's totally legal.

First you friend is a dick, second why should the cop finding a bong matter none of you were high

this is why you don't consent to searches. if the cop has probable cause then he doesn't need to ask to search. if he is asking then he doesn't have probable cause and you can most likely leave.

Police often say 'can I search your car' or 'can I look in your trunk' and hope that people don't know they can say no. When you do say no they'll often imply you have something to hide and they can get a warrant. Which is a load of horse shit. Refusing a search does not imply guilt. They'll waste your time for a little while then come up with some reason they're not going to get one and write some bullshit ticket for a seat belt or failure to signal or something. I spoke to two attorneys and a prosecutor at my high school reunion and the unanimous verdict was that it is never a good idea to let a cop search your car. Nothing good can ever come of it. But many bad things can.

thaqueen_fml 15

Friends. How many of us have them??

Open the back of your car with the boxes in it and drive off.