Nice guy

By sucksatlove - 25/07/2013 23:20 - United States - Sewell

Today, I finally worked up the courage to start a Facebook chat with a guy I really like. It went so well, and he even agreed to hang out sometime. Seconds after we finished our conversation, he changed his status to, "Desperate bitches really piss me off." FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 024
You deserved it 7 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he's talking about something else?

MEM0817 18

After seeing his did you change yours to "Asshole dudes really piss me off"


Change your status to: "Rude jackasses really bother me."

Hopefully hes talking about someone else. It seems like even though we have so many means of communication, talking to people online is still extremely difficult.

He sounds like he thinks he's hot shit. :S Forget about that conceited asshole.

Ooh I was a little behind with my comment...

He's a dick-wad, OP! Sorry for the disappointment but imagine how much worse it would be if you ended up going out with this two faced lying asshat wearing dung-dabbler!!

Trisha_aus 15
sammyjanette 17

I must say thank you to the two of you. Those are some of the most awesome and unique insults that I have ever heard. It's always nice to expand your vocabulary.

Why would he even agree to hang out if he wasn't going to like the person he was going to see? Jerks are really annoying.

graceinsheepwear 33

Jerks ARE annoying. And mean people suck. And Captain Obvious is on the prowl...

Don't jump to conclusions maybe its not about you at all.

imtooshy 18

I sure hope you took him off your friends list, maybe even block him for being suck an asshat! Sorry OP.