Nice guy

By sucksatlove - 25/07/2013 23:20 - United States - Sewell

Today, I finally worked up the courage to start a Facebook chat with a guy I really like. It went so well, and he even agreed to hang out sometime. Seconds after we finished our conversation, he changed his status to, "Desperate bitches really piss me off." FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 024
You deserved it 7 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he's talking about something else?

MEM0817 18

After seeing his did you change yours to "Asshole dudes really piss me off"


Maybe it wasn't about u ? If it was he's a dick

that sucks. I had a guy that I got into a nice continuing conversation (night after night) with, and after I told him my thoughts about (friends with benefits vs. a relationship), he pretty much quit speaking to me, and went as far as to block me on Facebook...and a few weeks later, his mother hired me, and now I work with him and his parents. yikes! -he just finally re-friended me (when I created another FB account...and we talk at work again)

I can't help to be curious about what exactly you told him ...

tehdarkness 21

I can't hate on him without reading the convo. It is possible that OP was being all desperate... I do know people that are like that...I sure hope you take the hint and don't let yourself get hurt!

This dude sounds like a prick. Just send another message saying "oh sorry, something came up. Maybe another day."

I hate to say this but usually the only guys that are on Facebook I desperately are desparte losers so you sorta asked for it

I'll say it and get downvoted for it, but is there maybe just a little chance that OP was actually acting desperate? There are some people who just can't take a hint and she very well could be one of those people.

Ins0mau 20

Even if she was, that's not a very nice way to respond. He should known she could have seen the status. And maybe he should have just told her he wasn't interested if that was the case.

doesnt seem like a nice person to me...either if its about u or not (which is possible)

Did you ever think that not everything is about you?

Best thing I ever did on Facebook was Account/settings/deactivate.

crisanba 18

I know the feeling of grief you get from comments like dat. Emoticon sad face