Nice guy

By Anonymous - 19/07/2011 11:04 - Australia

Today, after being in love with one of my best friends for ages, he took me on a date. We then went back to his place and we made love. Afterwards, he told me he wanted to show me something and led me outside. He ran back in and locked the door. It's a two hour walk home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 144
You deserved it 7 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments


cassiemarie28 0

that really sucks...what a jerk! but technically it wasnt making love, to him it was just sex.

you can do better than that asshole!!!!!!! make him jelous!!!!!!

orgasm_blush 4

To all the people commenting saying that she shouldn't have been so easy she clearly states she's known him for "ages". Also her refering to him as her "best friend" insinuates that they know each other pretty well. In my opinion she wasn't being easy or slutty, and i definetly don't think she deserves to be treated like that. She definetly doesn't have a good judge of character though.

#148 if she's known him for "ages" she should probably know he's an asshole. Knowing this she still loves him and ****** him and for that she deserves it because his actions afterwards shouldn't have come as a surprise. The moral of the story is don't knowingly fall for and give it up for douchbags and expect everything to end up working out.

Some people really don't act like assholes to friends, but are completely different when you have a sexual or romantic relationship with them. It's possible he was perfectly fine to her when they were just friends.

orgasm_blush 4

Love is blind. Sometimes we don't want to see people for the monsters they really are. So we ignore the truth.

All in all, OP and the guy have NO common sense whatsoever or self control. Cant you see how obvious it is?? It doesn't matter if she was slutty or easy or any other given reason, she has no self control, it speaks for itself. She should have used her head instead of her heart because the heart can always be wrong, in the case of the head, well it works like a computer, it's unpredictable. It's not hard to control oneself, it's quite easy and it makes them look a hell of a lot better if they had control and they'd be happier and less regretful. This really isn't a difficult subject to understand.

Thats true&&my bestfriend is nice to me,but I guess somewhat mean to other girls..

That's so bad! That guy is a pathetic excuse of a human being who used you for sex. I honestly hate jerkoffs like that. But, you will find someone. Everybody does :)

you sucked that bad?!:O jk (:: im sorry:P

wow were you really that bad at love makeing? lol

mikaylajarvis 0

I'm pretty sure being a dick won't help!

Seriously? If you were in love you'd be married or already planning a wedding in under 1 year. You obviously have no self-control whatsoever... YDI.

cimh 9

oh yeah.. because when you are married than everything is soooooo peachy! In what world do you live in?

Yes and you can make someone you love marry you when they don't love you back.. Yeah unrequited love? Ever hear of it? Clearly not..

So everything is more peachy when you have nothing and get rejected after a stupid one night stand?? Have you seen married people compared to unmarried people?? There's a huge difference. Look at the history. Married people have commitment... unmarried people are afraid to commit if it takes more than 1 year to get married, don't get me wrong, I've seen some work, but they were all virgins. Why do married people get rejected less often than unmarried? Why do married people more likely cheat less than unmarried? Why are unmarried couples always on talk shows and married are rarely on talk shows? Why do families stay together better when unmarried can easily fall apart for various reasons? If you've NEVER been married or let alone engaged... than you don't know the other side of the rope and what marriage really means and how it feels. Do yourselves a favour and look it up... do all the pros and cons... think deeper about this.