Nice guy

By Anonymous - 19/07/2011 11:04 - Australia

Today, after being in love with one of my best friends for ages, he took me on a date. We then went back to his place and we made love. Afterwards, he told me he wanted to show me something and led me outside. He ran back in and locked the door. It's a two hour walk home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 144
You deserved it 7 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I hope you at least tried to get back in by annoying him to no end! That would mean.. constantly calling him, ringing the doorbell and so forth! I think it is time for you to consider finding yourself a new best friend and to let him go!

what a bitch.dont worry there r other guys I'm this world

You can run, easily. Plus atleast its not a 2 day walk home! xD Stay positive .

You can run, easily. Plus atleast its not a 2 day walk home! xD Stay positive .

amazingjane 0

got damn! this dude is ur friend?!! what a son-of-a-bitch!!!

small_bar_101 0

Maybe if you were so "in love" with him you shouldn't have given it up so quickly, then you wouldn't have been at his house in the first place...just saying.

jessie007 0

Poor girl well now you know no sex on the first date:(