Nice try, Steve

By betrayed - 16/07/2014 20:09 - United States - Portland

Today, I came home early, only to hear a mad scramble in the living room. I found my now ex-girlfriend and best friend in there, sweaty and in their underwear. The idiot actually had the balls to claim he was teaching her how to do push-ups. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 608
You deserved it 4 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HairyPunisher 27

They had nowhere better to go than your apartment? Time for new friends, a new girlfriend, and new locks OP.


ninjacow123 6

Now is the time to break their kneecaps, better not delete my comment again fml admins, break dem kneecaps


Punch that DucheBag of a friend in the face and take that filthy ****'s phone and throw it out the GodDamn window or something!!! Good Luck man... Sorry 'bout what happened.

This gives me trust issues with my gf and best friend now... You have my feels.

Bronzell 1

i know how you feel. a good friend of mine who i trusted helped me out with my break up with my first love. he said he'd never cross that line. a few weeks later he grows feelings for her. and they are now dating. worst is that me and her were trying to be friends well. cant kuz hes an asshole. but hey man. those are people that you know who they really are. and better yourself because of it.

That is prob the worst excuse I have ever heard. I hope that you aren't friends with that moron anymore

What idiots smh you deserve better anyways OP....

Wait. Was she your ex previously or just now?