Nice try, Steve

By betrayed - 16/07/2014 20:09 - United States - Portland

Today, I came home early, only to hear a mad scramble in the living room. I found my now ex-girlfriend and best friend in there, sweaty and in their underwear. The idiot actually had the balls to claim he was teaching her how to do push-ups. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 608
You deserved it 4 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HairyPunisher 27

They had nowhere better to go than your apartment? Time for new friends, a new girlfriend, and new locks OP.


Push-ups without a bra, huh.... Sounds uncomfortable.

The fml says they were in their underwear, so maybe it was a pushup bra? No? *hides under rock*

I hope you popped him between the eyes

Chaith 16

Ex-Girlfriend and best friend? I hope you mean Ex-Girlfriend and "Ex-Best Friend."

If your in Texas you could have shoot him. Best "friend" or not, i would have done it. All my friends know this too.

eg_noob 11

You could show them both a form of push ups and push them out the window together

It says "now ex-girlfriend", so I'm assuming THIS is the reason why they broke up...

rocker_chick23 27

#85:He obviously broke up with his girlfriend after he found her cheating on him, hence the now ex part.

Wow that's just cruel of them. Sorry to hear that OP I hope you discover a better life without them!

The ultimate betrayal. Ppl have been shot for less. Fyl op

OhNoAGhost 18

I'll never understand people, I'm heartbroken just reading this. Sorry, OP.