By ooops - 03/09/2009 00:18 - United States

Today, I was driving into a parking lot with some friends. I carelessly passed a sign when my friend said, "Wait what did that sign say?" I backed up to read it and guess what it said: "Severe Tire Damage. Do Not Back Up." Now all 4 of my tires are slashed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 942
You deserved it 43 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you didn't stop when you heard the first two tyres being slashed?

hahahahahahahha i bet her friend had read the sign and just wanted her to back up for ***** and giggles


So you didn't stop when you heard the first two tyres being slashed?

hahahahahahahha i bet her friend had read the sign and just wanted her to back up for ***** and giggles

You're not even supposed to back up - drive out and back in again. YDI.

Fett: that was a sexist and unnecessary comment. are you from somewhere where women have no rights or something?

Remove the "retarded" and I agree with him though.

bskballa92 0
Dbag320 0

We all know bitches can't drive.

1stFail103163 0

good luck loosing your virginity with an attitude like that! :D *thumbs up*

1stFail103163 0

previous post^ @ the funny little sexist boys

phreshboi 1

lololololololol #20 and the key word is when you siad carelessly

the only thing that bitch should be driving is a dick

Matt_192 6

Or even feel them going over the spikes in the first place?

Great job dummy! Im amazed you were able to get your license at all!

glamourgigi2741 0

Don't be rude it wasn't her fault

usually you hear your tires going over. Guess you didn't hear the tires being torn either. kinda deserved it, but it was also partly your friend's fault for wanting to read the sign after you had already passed it.

the_stereotype 0

it happens a lot, but YDI for not even reading the sign in the first place. you're in a parking lot, it's not like you were going too fast to take the time to read the whole thing

idratherbewrestl 0

moron, didnt you feel the bump and see it with the spikes in it, when you drove over it coming in xD *facepalms* idiots

I wanna know how fast she was backing up that she couldn't hear/feel the back tires pop to at least only have 2 out instead of all 4.

there are special spikes that only slash ur tires if ur going the wrong's too keep people from getting in or running away with something important

Did you not read what you are replying to? They said how come the driver could not hear the first two tires going... not why spikes came up at all... -.-

Flamersplamer 0

YDI for reversing inside a parking lot just to read a sign.

YDI. Not only were you stupid enough to not notice you were sign in the first place, but then you also didn't notice the bump as you hit the spikes, then also shredded not only your back tires like a moron, but kept going and shredded all your tires. I call fake on this.