Nice try

By bonzo - 22/06/2015 14:41 - Australia - Perth

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me after I drove two hours to his house, because he wanted to do it face to face. Then told me that if I wanted, we could have sex one last time, but I would have to leave right after, otherwise it would be weird. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 959
You deserved it 2 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mds9986 24

Give him a ******** and then spit in his face


He probably thought you would be okay with break-up sex since you had to drive all the way there. That ******.

Good Luck to him! But time for you to move it on girlie you've got better things to do ?

And you wonder how common house fires begin... Best of luck to you

Agree to have sex wid him and fart / pee on his face while he is in the act... That will leave him scarred for life

I once had a boyfriend ask for 'last time sex' as we broke up. I went with it. He's now my husband and father of our two kids. After the sex he simply said 'who am I kidding, I can't be without you'. You just never know. Everything else about the FML sux tho. Hope you find someone who treats you as you deserve.

If you're a girl, get a strap-on and say ok let's do this. But you have to leave right after, otherwise it would be "weird." What an ass that guy is.

haleymak_ 14

I guess at least he broke up with you before sex was brought up. I think if he was so set on face-to-face he could've found his way to you.

FYL, OP. Unless of course you had sex with him. Then you would deserve that ********.