Nice try

By Journo - 27/04/2009 19:46 - United States

Today, after two months of unemployment, I got a call from a marketing firm offering me an interview for an entry-level position. While Googling the company, I discovered it's a scam. I graduated college in 3 years with a 3.5 GPA, and the only interview I can get is at a fake company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 128
You deserved it 5 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Socrates_fml 0

good catch, at least. imagine if you went and were scammed. THAT would have been a real FML. This is an FML with a bright side


blue27 0

Don't get discouraged. The scam companies just contacted you because you're resume is public on monster or careerbuilder. Just ignore the scams and keep applying.

lilceej 0

#22 - Straight Cs is a 2.0. A 3.5 in COLLEGE - especially a decent one - is a very good GPA. #15 - Either you have no idea how hard college is for most people - even intelligent people - or you are a lucky asshole who probably pays for his grades, but getting a 3.5 is awesome, especially at a halfway decent institute. If you aren't either of the previous, then you are the worst type of smug nerd who gives all of us other nerds a bad name. Grow up. Good luck, man. I'm terrified of that situation, as I am an English major with a 3.6 going to the top liberal arts college in the northwest. Hopefully the economy will kick into gear and shape up. Cheers.

blondiee09 0

well clearly, you should have stayed for that last year. Unless you were at a 2 year college. a 3.5 is really low. Go back to school and try harder.

Have to say YDI because your the one who picked an easy major that let you graduate with a 3.5 in 3 years. NO good major is easy enough to graduate in 3 years, have to agree with #1, must've been sociology

Wow, so many people are really silly, believing that a 3.5 GPA is "really low." I guess Extreme Underwater Basket Weaving nets one an easy A.

depends on what university you go to, but the "general rule" is that if you have over a 3.0, you should put it on your resume, because (and this is going back to middle school) a B means "Good."

Agree with #157. My roommate was a business major and never cracked a book. I also had a good friend who got B's and C's in a washout biology program, transferred to marketing, and has been racking up A's ever since. He thinks it's ridiculous.

Aflacduck 0

3.5 GPA. Rofl. You act like that's a lot.

#48 -I hope I speak for all of the college students out there that earning a college degree (even a bachelor's) is well deserving of a job over those who didn't put forth the time and effort. Maybe not a high paying top position, but a little something to enhance experience with. I understand we are in an economic crisis, but it definitely won't be getting better anytime soon. People need to get creative & persistent when applying (survival of the fittest), and in the mean time, realize that our country was founded on a "property based system"- without incentive, there will be no progress, & without capitalism, there will be no incentive. Thus, vote better next time.

People...seriously.... Most of you don't know what you're talking about—trying to fill your own egos by ragging on someone else's GPA when you don't know anything about their major, school, etc., etc. When you actually hit the real world, your expectations are going to get a big punch in the face. Thousands of people are losing their jobs every day, and you expect to be able to waltz out of college and land a job with nothing on your resume but a 4.0 and a list of fraternity community service hours?! Only a few people here actually get the fact that companies want EXPERIENCE, not overblown egos. And the SADDEST part? Most of you don't understand that a HUGE part of getting a job these days is NETWORKING and LUCK! It took countless resumes, cover letters, portfolio revisions and ONE lucky reference connection to get me the great job I have now. Don't get discouraged because no one's called you back yet. Get an IN, and things will work out.