Nice try

By Journo - 27/04/2009 19:46 - United States

Today, after two months of unemployment, I got a call from a marketing firm offering me an interview for an entry-level position. While Googling the company, I discovered it's a scam. I graduated college in 3 years with a 3.5 GPA, and the only interview I can get is at a fake company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 128
You deserved it 5 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Socrates_fml 0

good catch, at least. imagine if you went and were scammed. THAT would have been a real FML. This is an FML with a bright side


Aww man :( Don't worry. It'll fix up.

the average g.p.a of millionaires is a 2.7. (i really wish i knew where i had read that to make it sound like less bullshit)

If you are not in college then STFU. College is so different from high school or middle school. #49 is correct with the grading scale. A 3.5 is amazing in college. Especially if you don't go to community college. I had a 4.3 in high school and I only have a 3.4 in college. It's so much harder. If you're not in college you have NO room to talk so seriously STFU you know nothing.

I thought I was hot shit in high school too. I took only APs and graduated with a 4.0. I went to a prestigious liberal arts college that handed out a 3.75 for no work whatsoever as an Ancient Greek major. Then, I transferred to a real university and got a real major and it's been an uphill battle since. I'm happy to have a 3.5 in Psychology. It's the hardest thing I've ever done, partially because of the work and partially because the professors couldn't care less if I failed. I think they'd prefer it.

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say the Marketing company is connected to Marketing FX because I just got my Masters degree and they're the only ones that have called me back too. **** our Lives indeed!

Don't be obtuse, #13. At my school, a top private university with rigorous academic standards, a 3.5 was Magna Cum Laude. No one had a 4.0 at my school, and while I once met a student with a 3.8, I am convinced she was a mirage LOL. Good colleges don't hand out As like they're candy, and those are the ones that prepare you for the real world, and the hard work a job requires. And in the real world, unfortunately jobs don't grow on trees. I feel bad for you OP, and for all the current graduates -- I thought it was tough when I graduated (and it was), but it's worse now. I graduated at the top of my class and it still took me a good five months to find a job. Wasn't really the one I wanted, neither was my second job, but both taught me essential skills, and helped me save money, and now I'm in a career I love. It will take 2-3 years for your life to settle post-college. Be patient, and don't let the pitfalls get you down! And unfortunately, you need to lower your standards STAT. I see you want to do marketing. I wanted to be a journalist. Both industries are dying, jobs are scarce and unless you know someone/your parents are willing to funnel $10-15K to you a year to support you in the city, it's not going to happen right now. Go to the industries that are hiring, even if it's not your dream job. A job is a job right now, and you can get back to what you love later. You may even find a new career path you had never thought of, but fall in love with!

Did you major in Modern Dance with a minor in Philosophy? Who wants to hire a dancing Socrates? Also, University Of Phoenix online, is hardly considered a REAL college. Might as well have left that off the resume.

scorpioserpent 1

A 3.5 is not bad at all. College is a lot different than high school. I got straight A's in highschool mostly, but A's are A LOT harder to get in college. In most of my classes, the final grade is basically made up of 4 tests. So if god forbid, you don't get an A on one or two of them, you are likely going to get a B in the class which is a 3.0 and will bring your GPA down a lot.

Why the @#$! didn't you research the company before you gave them your resume?! And no company cares about your GPA unless you're a very recent graduate. You may have book smarts, but you have no common sense. YDI.

Hell, #142, even some community colleges are right on par with many universities. Yeah, they have a lot of classes that are quite suitable for people that aren't that bright, definitely. But once you get above those, some of them can be just as hard as a university course. I know several people that have gone to both - some to save money, some for other reasons, and most of them have found the courses to be at the very least equivalent, if not even better due to the smaller class sizes. I don't know about community colleges in cities outside of mine though. Perhaps in other cities, the community colleges really ARE rather sub-par. But at least in my city, the local one is pretty damn good once you figure out which professors are actually worth listening to.