Nice try

By Journo - 27/04/2009 19:46 - United States

Today, after two months of unemployment, I got a call from a marketing firm offering me an interview for an entry-level position. While Googling the company, I discovered it's a scam. I graduated college in 3 years with a 3.5 GPA, and the only interview I can get is at a fake company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 128
You deserved it 5 015

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Socrates_fml 0

good catch, at least. imagine if you went and were scammed. THAT would have been a real FML. This is an FML with a bright side


Was it Vector marketing? Haha door to door knife sales! They always try to scam people around campus. A) The 3.5 good/bad argument depends on the PROGRAM. If you are taking Geography or History i wouldn't be bragging about a 3.5. If you are taking engineering or commerce 3.5 is highly impressive. If people actually have a 4.0 GPA, you need to get ******* laid because you are a huge nerd with no social life. B) But I agree with #147.....its your own fault for not researching the company. I'm hoping they call me one day so I can laugh in their face. I can't believe people actually fall for that shit.

As someone who went to community college AND university I agree with #147. I get better grades in university then I did in college (partially indicative of the fact I'm more mature now and go out less). College is easier than university just to pass with bare minimums, but I would say they're equally challenging to be a top performer. The smartest and stupidest people I know are ones I met in college. Note to Americans: In Canada..... College = Community College University = American Collehe

sc2323 0

I've been in the same boat, graduated from a pretty decent university last may and entry level customer service positions try telling me i don't have the skills to answer a phone and direct a call to the proper department.. Hang in there something will come up.. The tough economy isn't helping that's for sure

to #37 thats because you go to brown or cornell --> lol don't boast your GPA on an internet forum

3.5 is good?? where do you go? I have a 3.4 and am going to be on probation next year. I had health problems this year and was in the hospital for 2 out of 3 months of the semester... so its not my fault.. but wow... 3.5 is not good....

I know exactly how you feel. I went to a highly respected university, had a similar GPA, graduated with glowing recommendations from my professors and ended up as a fast food restaurant manager. It took grad school and a much better economy for me to get a "professional position." Now I just worry every day I'm going to get RIF'ed.

sportsnut 0

business and marketing classes are so absurdly easy, its no wonder all you can get are fake offers...a 3.5 correlates to a 2.0 when compared to real majors

sportsnut 0

business and marketing classes are so absurdly easy, its no wonder all you can get are fake offers...a 3.5 correlates to a 2.0 when compared to real majors