Nice way to put it

By -_- - 18/02/2012 00:13 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to an extended family reunion. I started chatting to my great grandpa, and he asked me what I do for a living. Before I could tell him I breed animals, my visibly drunk dad interrupted and slurred, "Oh, she jacks things off. Horses, pigs, just about anything, really." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 986
You deserved it 4 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He only explained your job in an "everyone will understand" way.

This is why family reunions suck. It always ends up with someone drunk, someone fighting, someone crying etc... I'd rather stay home and read FMLs.


Oh, that's why everyone loves family reunions..

hateevryone 14
MatheusRajuidas 5

#54 - How did you manage to fail that much?

andrew1107 0

OMG best fml ever! Even though it's really not that bad at all it's just funny that your dad said that

bubo_fml 10

Gramps says: "Nothing like working w/ your hands!"

Well it is true. Sometimes you need to guide the horses or pigs penis into the female. Things do get pretty awkward.

MissHayleyJames 7

Or if you do artificial insemination the male doesn't even go near the female so you have to collect his semen then put it in the female.

fiblydinkerton 0

Well that is your job in a nutshell.