Nice way to put it

By -_- - 18/02/2012 00:13 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to an extended family reunion. I started chatting to my great grandpa, and he asked me what I do for a living. Before I could tell him I breed animals, my visibly drunk dad interrupted and slurred, "Oh, she jacks things off. Horses, pigs, just about anything, really." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 986
You deserved it 4 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He only explained your job in an "everyone will understand" way.

This is why family reunions suck. It always ends up with someone drunk, someone fighting, someone crying etc... I'd rather stay home and read FMLs.


harbqll 0

Your dad is awesome. YDI for being a professional animal masturbator.

And the story continues . . . OP's drunk mother comes wobbling up behind her father, "Now, dear, there's no shame in jacking off animals for a living. You know, Grandpa? She's the best jack-off in town! We're so proud."

MatheusRajuidas 5

Or... Great Gramp: Do you heal the prostate too, by any chance?

I was going to say your life sucks but your life jacks is more appropriate... I hope.

WaylonD 4
MissHayleyJames 7

Just play it up. My sister in law calls me a horse pimp all the time. Just tell them you also stick your arm in a mare's ****** up to the elbow and get a kick out of those reactions. Those reactions are even better.

mic203 2

i personally can't say there is anything cool about this job,almost as if u cant get any action going with ppl nd decided to diddle animals.

MissHayleyJames 7

You're obviously not a horse person though. It's a very lucrative business. There's a lot of science involved. You don't just stick 2 horse's in a pen together and let them figure it out if you want a baby. That's not safe at all. Then there's always collecting semen to freeze it for long term use or to ship it across the country (or world). But like I said, you're not involved in the business so you wouldn't understand. And just so you know, I'm married so I get plenty of action. That has nothing to do with it at all and only shows ignorance on your part.

mic203 2

at this point am thinkin' u retarded,i aint ask how its done and emphasis on "I" meaning its an opinion dumbass,/as for ur marriage?well 1 of u could be fat and the other with erectile disfunction and u could be lying ur ass of,how the **** would i know?.

MissHayleyJames 7

Considering I couldn't really understand a word of your gibberish, I'd say you're the retard. In my "opinion", you need to go back to school and actually try to pay attention this time. My "opinion" is probably shared by many others on here as well. So you keep working your minimum wage job and I'll keep making good money breeding horses. We had a horse at a sale today that brought a bid of $71,000 but we turned it down because he's worth more than that. What kind of lucrative business are you in again?

It's a job that makes a difference boys,,,, clerks reference here sit lol

At least it was your great grandfather, not some big shot you were trying to impress.