No good deed…

By noespresso - 15/08/2010 20:20 - United States

Today, after already having a terrible day, I went to Starbucks for an espresso. Being nice, I put the last dollar I had in my wallet in their tip jar. While paying for my drink, my card was denied for insufficient funds. The world hates me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 769
You deserved it 6 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some things happen that are beyond control (e.g. natural disasters...) but not knowing that you don't even have 5 bucks in your account before you try to use your card is well within your control. It has nothing to do with chance or the world "hating you". It has everything to do with your laziness and lack of initiative to keep track of your personal finances. Your card being declined is probably the best thing that could have happened to you. If you don't even have enough money for a cup of Starbucks coffee, then Starbucks is the last place you should be trying to buy coffee.

lovestrong 0


I would have jacked my dollar back out of tip jar.... (:

alaskan420 0

Starbucks employees aren't allowed to accept tips?

Quest_ 13

You kind of deserve it hardcore for being so irresponsible with your finances that you are unaware that you have less than five dollars in your account left.

Ok, listen up, all you YDI-happy people out there. All u can thunk about is criticizing people for something they forgot to do or didn't do. I am willing to wager that at least 25% of those who said "Keep track of your finances" don't keep track of their own. She had a rough day, and all you can do is rip her a new one about finances?! Heartless. That's not to say EVERYONE deserves a reprieve for EVERYTHING, but seriously.

it's not that she ran out of money it's that she did so while buying an expensive drink and leaving an unnecessary tip when she didn't have the money to do so.

Igor_g5 0

It's that she thinks the world hates her because she can't figure out that she's broke. And yes, I check my balance regularly. And I don't waste money at Starbucks.

You know they have a starbucks in our walmart? I could buy a monster some beef jerky and candy for the price of one of their drinks, it seems to me stupid to put it in there.

Cjmw 7

Ahh that sucks. #84 Hahaha brill :D

YDI for going to starbucks in the first place. YDI for tipping first. you shoud've made sure you could pay for the drink you're getting, then tipped. moron.

"You require more minerals". Build additional Pylons!!!

Hollywise_fml 0

Too many underlings... create more overlords.