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By UnemployedPlsHelp - 10/05/2024 10:00 - United States

Today, I found out you can’t lie about having a Master’s Degree in order to get a job. I paid a friend $500 to make a very real looking Master’s diploma from an accredited school. My plan worked well, until they asked me for my official transcripts. Meaning it has to come from the institution directly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42
You deserved it 1 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're very stupid for someone who's applying for job that requires an advanced degree. You would have lasted 2 days max.

Forgery of credentials including academic degrees is a federal crime as well as a crime in all 50 states that include fines anywhere from $2,500 to $125,000 and up to 5 years in prison depending on the state you're in and degree of conviction. You're lucky if all you suffered is the loss of a job opportunity and $500 on a piece of paper you should put through the shredder. Hopefully you'll have learned a valuable life lesson from this without suffering the real consequences.


You're very stupid for someone who's applying for job that requires an advanced degree. You would have lasted 2 days max.

Nothing is worse in a job than being unqualified for the job you landed. OP it was really self defeating to lie about your qualifications. Being fired for lying about your qualifications is a very bad mark on your references. Believe me, they would soon discover you weren’t qualified. The best you can do now is to either say you’re no longer interested in the job (a weak ass lie) or come clean on your “qualifications”… An education is for the purpose of the training you get - Not for a pretty diploma on the wall. Without that education and training it means nothing.

Forgery of credentials including academic degrees is a federal crime as well as a crime in all 50 states that include fines anywhere from $2,500 to $125,000 and up to 5 years in prison depending on the state you're in and degree of conviction. You're lucky if all you suffered is the loss of a job opportunity and $500 on a piece of paper you should put through the shredder. Hopefully you'll have learned a valuable life lesson from this without suffering the real consequences.

That's good to know, there are a lot of stories on reddit where people only managed to get a job because they were willing to lie about having a degree. Stories make it seem risk free, once you actually get hired.

Sounds like you need to just put the time in. If you already have a BS you can get a masters in just a year or 2. Most employers will pay for most/all of it. It kind of sucks but so would building your career on a lie.

OP has a BS alright, but it stands for "Bullshit". I bet $500 this moron didn't even graduate high school.

Someone with a real Master's Degree would be smart enough to have figured this out.