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No sleep til Brooklyn

By blahblah - 24/05/2010 04:14 - United States

Today, finally we got our toddler daughter to sleep in her own bed. The wife and I were both excited to finally have our room to ourselves. Just as our daughter was about to fall asleep, the damn cat went into her room and loudly hacked up a huge hairball. Now she's back in mommy's and daddy's bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 318
You deserved it 7 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

traci18 0

you should of put her right back in HER bed & let her there. if you tough it out a few nights she will learn that her bed is where she is SUPPOSED to be. all you are teaching her now is how to manipulate to get her own way.

You sure you or your wife is not just using that as an excuse? I mean sometimes one or both parents will overprotect the child and the child picks up on all that. If your nervous and worried about things all the time then the kid will mimic this and think that they too should be like that. Of course the kid could just be a little pussy. Tell her to get back to her bed or you will tell her of all the things out there that she should REALLY be afraid of. :-P


id still tell the kid to get the hell out

redneck0328 5

kick the ****** over the fence... ******* cats

You need to get your daughter to be comfortable in her own room. It's not healthy for her to sleep with you and your wife EVERY night.

mot really i sleost in tje same room with my parents. for 12 years and now im on my own room and im ok

vivalacobraxo 0

haha well I guess she used her imagination for deprive-trey or whatever because thats def. not a word.

killab420 0

#8 speaks the truth. you're just going to have to deal with a few nights of her crying untill she realizes you're not going to give in. a toddler sleeping with you is unhealthy for her development and your marital relationship.

vivalacobraxo 0

I love the fact were all arguing over a word and spelling it's quite pathetic.

degrassilovur 0

#5 what is your problem ?? how can u eat a kitty :(... ?!?!! it's so sad :'(

ha ha your geting cockblocked by a baby

12, you slept with your parents for 12 years...... lul

sharpl916 0

there's nothing a Chinese cannot eat! Y'all shouldn't be so surprised :]

Jessie does not sleep with daddy & mommy any more? That is cute. ;)

RevengeOnYou 0

Lol your kid reminds me of me when i was younger. I used to sleep in my mom and dad's room cuz i was afraid the monster in my closet would come out or something is gonna get me from under my bed. FYL xD

Am I the only one highly doubting #6 doesnt like cats?

The cat did it on purpose..... It had it's own room until that kid threatened it's territory.....

Kill that cat. They walk in their own crap and then on your beds and kitchen surfaces.

not that hard of a problem.... once the kid passes out carry them back to thier bed and out of yours

M4V3R1CKR13 0

6 **** u and all cat haters.... its not yhe cats fualt its his daughters fualt for being a pussy..get it lol

M4V3R1CKR13 0

75 thats becz he owns her shes an object to him

99exactly some ones gotta love her all I can do is laugh when I see that pic

surescope 0

fyl, but maybe you should leave the cat outside... for your problems with sleep deprive-trey and germs etc :P

"Deprive-trey"? "DEPRIVE-TREY"!? You butchered the English language so badly I'm almost ashamed to speak it. Jesus christ. I could almost understand thinking the noun form of 'deprive' is 'deprivety', which it isn't, but where did the 'trey' come in? Dictionary. Google. SCHOOL. *sigh*

SilentScreamer 12

Oh, pull the stick out of your ass, ****. I posted a comment. It required moving my hands a little. I'm chilled out. Way to act like you can tell what mood I'm in. Yeah I know you don't like me because I pointed out the stupidity in several of your comments before and everyone laughed at you. But really, go cry in the corner and leave me out of it. K? #18: you're* Now you misspelled two. :)

Hehehe. You're almost funny. Really. It's cute how you think you know me, really, but no. Just no. It's the internet. Wake up. Internet != real life.

SilentScreamer 12

I think you need to refrain from speaking to me or anyone else like that, Yes you posted a comment and so did I.. No need to call me a '****' and please state where I told you what mood you are in? and correct me if I'm wrong as I don't know if your speaking to me or Catherine012? :)

godofcyanide 8

#23 right on! Pull no punches on the Internet! :D

I was speaking to her. She and I had another argument like this a week or so ago. The '****' and 'blah blah you don't know my mood' stuff was all to her. And I wasn't trying to offend you with my original comment, but I'm also not apologizing. It is what it is. I was appalled at the spelling so I expressed that. Just like people will sure express when they disagree with me or make any judgment about me at all. It's FML. I'm not really being PC right now.

haha I'm totally fine with that, you didn't offend me the slightest. I have no idea how to pronounce or spell the word I was trying to get across... I find it humorous for that reason, and for you having to correct me :) & why does this site delete some of the comments previously posted on this conversation?

It's a comment bug. They are supposedly fixing it, but....apparently that takes months to do. >_> It's 'deprivation'. But I gotta say, even when you thought I was calling you a **** and all that, you handled it with grace. Nice. I mostly post stuff and then get reactions like, "Omfg you idiot **** you shut up, go to hell!" So it's kind of nice to see someone unaffected by my total bluntness and crassness. :D

fualignment 0

I love happy endings. let's all have a group hug

wow intoxicunt, you seem like one of the people for which the Internet does equal real life, and it seems like you're a jealous, emo bitch, who has been through a lot of shit and has just given up on life. **** you. You're right. This is the Internet. This is where English-bending (pretty much) originated. I don't know why you're mad at a little creativity, you ****** up trollcunt.

No hug for you. Where's that guy who told me to do drugs? HE gets a hug.

It's okay, yeah I can't say comments from random people on random websites effect me all that much :P It just shows how bored/sensitive people can be.. but keep doing what you are doing :)

#35 Hahahahaha. Yep. Totally. Everything I say and do on the internet is a direct representation of my real life. Oh my god, my heart is bleeding black! I take out my pain on others! Hold me! Lolz.

Mr_Zachary 0

here i am trying to flirt with you girls and you're off in some other fml making womany whoopie. ;(

Ask and I shall receive! Hey, don't knock it. Womany whoopie is pretty great. Or uh, so I've been told.

Stop using that excuse. You know you have no real life. An ugly, emo bitch like you never does. :>

Mr_Zachary 0

i'm waiting for them to moderate me again for no reason. if that happens, i'll meet you in the special place, behind the thing with the stuff on it. we'll do things.

And I'M the troll. Hey, 101, I'm not interested in a troll-off. Because I'd lose. And that's lame. The place? The one with the door? I'll be there, on the side facing that direction. >:)

THREE PEOPLE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A GROUP. SHUT UP! RAAAH! (just kidding) Hi way down there, Zachary.. VVV

Mr_Zachary 0

would you still hug me if i was wearing a crotchless gorilla suit? yeah they messed up my comment. troll-fail :/

Is that a gorilla suit with no crotch, or a suit to look like a gorilla missing his crotch? The latter sounds tastelessly gory, so yes. :)

Mr_Zachary 0

well shit, i'm going to bed. more crotch talk soon, k? look my profile for contact infos before they delete it, or delete me, or whatever they do around here. commie mods.

Shhh, 'commie mods' is against rule 29832498. :) Sure, I'm going to...well, not bed, but other stuff. My hands have a cramp. Ciao!

fualignment 0

yeah I was about to say three doesn't make a group, that's a threesome (which I wouldn't mind, but the other two would have to be girls) four would be a group and any more would be an orgy

Zigma_fml 0

intoxicunt shut the **** up you damn bitch

godofcynadie you look happy :) I'm goin with principal on this because intoxiCUNT is a dick.

godofcyanide* and princessepa* I fail at spelling :/

Letting cats into small kids' rooms is a really poor idea. They can sit on a baby or toddler and suffocate them. If you want to leave the nursery door open, then install an old screen door to keep the cats out.

Yes, because we all know the cat will sit on the baby and breathe in it's soul because its a spawn of the devil. Please... bring yourself into the 21st century.

Yeah, no. That's considered an "old wives tale" that even my doctor laughed at. It's also superstition in a lot of places but it's by no means a real thing. I have four kids and two cats. My cats have all, at one point or another, slept in our children's rooms and even their beds. All four of them are still alive :)

another reason why cats are useless

You sure you or your wife is not just using that as an excuse? I mean sometimes one or both parents will overprotect the child and the child picks up on all that. If your nervous and worried about things all the time then the kid will mimic this and think that they too should be like that. Of course the kid could just be a little pussy. Tell her to get back to her bed or you will tell her of all the things out there that she should REALLY be afraid of. :-P

Yeah, tell a toddler to man up. That's great parenting right there!

legendof90 14
traci18 0

you should of put her right back in HER bed & let her there. if you tough it out a few nights she will learn that her bed is where she is SUPPOSED to be. all you are teaching her now is how to manipulate to get her own way.

Okay first of all why is a Toddler sleeping in your bed with you? That's not good for you or the child's development second of all tell your wife to stop coddling your daughter its time to put your foot down cause if you don't get her sleeping in her own bed now shes gonna be there for a while put her back to sleep and then put her back in her bed problem solved and why was her door open in the first place never leave her door open especially if you have a cat cats can be vindictive and pee and the child's bed clothes and other things keep her door closed and for those people who are saying YDI for owning a cat...grow the **** up you idiots

You're the one who said cats can pee in the child's bed. The only reason a cat should EVER pee outside the litter box is if something is wrong, and hopefully if it comes to that the owner knows to take it to the vet or analyze why the cat is unhappy or ill.

Mr_Zachary 0

hey bitch, nobody calls my bitches bitches except for me, bitch!

Hehehehe!! Are you the BITCH, that told the BITCH, that I'm a BITCH, BITCH, well listen BITCH, it takes a BITCH, to know a BITCH, BITCH!!!! Lmao, I miss Junior High!!

that's why u don let ur kids get intothe habit of sleeping with u in the first place, stupid ass. yes I am a mother of two.