Non sequitur

By lisacasabonita - 12/11/2010 16:31 - United States

Today, while at dinner, I told my boyfriend that I wished he liked sushi. He replied, "I wish you liked anal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 213
You deserved it 42 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nice to see you have a good relationship and can talk things out in a civilized manner Seriously though, this was hilarious on his part I'm sure he was joking like I do with my wife when she nitpicks me


22 your a boring human being... that said awesome.

That is hilarious. Your boyfriend rocks. Provided he was actually joking, which it sounds like he was. Good job, OP's boyfriend.

great response. what kind of sushi is that?

KiddNYC1O 20

Disregard "the fact" in my previous comment.

If you've never tried sushi you can't say it's disgusting. I didn't think I'd like it then I tried it and now I can't get enough of it.

eleniel421 28

Whereas I always thought it would be pretty good if not great... but every time I try it I end up regretting it. Sadly for me, everyone always wants to go for sushi these days :(

That was one of the more funny FMLs I've come across. Haha, awesome response on his behalf.