Noob to boobs

By Anonymous - 29/04/2009 10:16 - United States

Today, I was feeling up my girlfriend's chest. I was getting into it until she said, "What are you doing?" I said I was rubbing her nipple. She replies, "That's not my nipple, its a pimple." FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 233
You deserved it 43 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtfCorby 0

a zit on her tit? that's pretty gross... that sucks dude


that is ******* gross. that is almost as gross as that story where the girl bit a pimple and it popped in her mouth. ewwwwwwww. hahahahahhaha.

alhtheman 1

this is the first ive thought, while reading one of these, fml

It's not weird to have a pimple there - the most common places for acne are face, chest and back. Having acne does not mean they're unclean - in fact, people who have it tend to be *more* clean, as they produce oil so fast that they wash more to get rid of it. (Which can sadly be counter-productive, as too much washing can make the skin produce even more oil to replace what it thinks shouldn't have disappeared.) Cleanliness does not affect acne, and neither do diet, sun exposure, or anything else. It happens to many people during puberty, and can continue into adulthood if you're unlucky. If that happens, it can only be treated by antibiotics, hormones (if you're female), or very strong vitamin A-based medications. It doesn't make a person disgusting, it makes them unlucky. They'll already be horrendously self-conscious about it - they don't need immature knee-jerk reactions of "ewwwww!". That said, feeling up a pimple isn't the nicest thing in the world! Of course it's not. Everyone would choose to have flawless skin, or even 'normal' skin, if they could. No one wants themself or their partner to have acne. But tact and understanding will make relationships and people happier.

ilovefmlife 0

LOL omg thats so funny this is going on my favorites

must of been a big pimple for it to resemble a nipple for you stupid YDI

justbea777 0

that must have been a giant zit your girlfriend is gross!

she must have had small boobs or you have never felt up a girl before and known what a boob feels like.

EWWW. that's disgusting. I just baby barfed!!

propelks09 0

nipples don't feel like pimples.....