
By Anonymous - 09/05/2010 16:29 - United Kingdom

Today, if it wasn't already embarrassing enough to tell my boyfriend I was on my period, I had to explain what a period is in the first place, how it works, and why it means nothing can happen during that time of the month. He's twenty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 452
You deserved it 6 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh. No sex while the woman is on her period? Well, it never stopped me...

softballG 0

you shouldn't feel embarassed for telling him. he should be embarassed for not knowing what a period is.


did he skip 8th-12th grade science or something? what a freakin tard

sooo you're saying you're dating a dumbass...

In my health class, a boy thought babies came from a girl's stomach. He had no idea what a uterus was.

I don't understand why most women refuse to have sex on their period. I never thought it was a huge issue... then again, some women probably have a worse one that me o.o

can't blame him a lot of guys don't care of you have it or not so why even learn about it? but he had to of heard about it somewhere o.O

My husband had a really vague idea of what a period was, but not really. When I (exasperatedly) explained it to him, he said "You get angry and you bleed, what else could I possibly need to know?" Sex ed, fails again.

u do know that u actually can get pregnant if u have sex during your period right?

Is he retarded or just backwoods? you need to dump his sorry ass!

A girl I knew in high school thought babies were born through the belly button and did not understand why men had belly buttons. She was 15, her mom was a nurse, and yes, she was completely serious. So I can imagine a man not knowing about a woman's menstrual cycle.